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​得到(Dedao) APP


得到(Dedao) APP is a knowledge serving platform which generates high quality online audio courses for young professions.


In June 2018, I join the product design team as a UX designer.

These are the projects I've participated in:


​Dedao University


​Family Plan Research

Mini-program design


CMS design


client-side features

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PART 1: 得到大学 Dedao University


Dedao APP has gained more than 20 million users within 3 years since 2015. It has been providing high-end content and more than 100 online courses. But only with the online service couldn't make Dedao a close-loop-learning-experience. As more and more online services are moving to the offline market, Dedao is planning to build an offline program which is named "Dedao University".  


  • Time-consuming: we only have 3 months to finish all the online functions (includes the home page, application channel, content management system, mini program for both students and teachers)

  • Unclear goals: Dedao has never had any similar programs so it's hard to learn from previous experience.

  • Unsure of market acceptance: Although Dedao has more than 2000,0000 registered users, we can't define how many of them would accept this new attempt. 

  • Great content preparation team: we got the best content preparation team of the whole industry, so there's no reason to worries about the quality of the program.

  • Technical support: this project has been set to the highest priority, so the development team would give us the most support as they could.


The whole experience of Dedao University has been devided into 3 pathways and 2 roles:



The Dedao University program now is available in Dedao APP for restricted users

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PART 2: 家庭账户调研 Family Plan Research


As most flow media suppliers like Netflex, Hulu, and Amazon Video all have shared family accounts for their users, Dedao is also think about what if to build a family account feature for the next step. Based on this need, I did some research about the shared accounts in most video、audio suppliers and generated a detailed report.


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As the new year coming, the team decided to make some operation action to gain user's attention. So we decided to create a mini program in Wechat for all the users to create their own New Year Speech. This mini-program was developed within 1 month and got more than 200 thousand users participated.


Here're the screenshot demonstrates how it works - 


PART 3: 跨年语音小程序 mini-program design

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This Mini-program is available on Wechat search for "Dedao"

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PART 4: 客服系统后台设计 CMS Design


As the current after-sales customer service system couldn't support the latest needs, so a new CMS is needed for the customer service team. The new system supports the following functions:


  • Order Query

  • Order Tracking

  • Customer Information management

  • After-sale query initiate

  • After-sale query processing

  • Etc


*This project is related to confidential info, so I'll keep it secret.

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PART 5: 客户端部分功能 Client-side features


Most of the new users are attracted by shared content by existing users. So, an iteration has been made on the sharing feature with research results.

Most of the new users are attracted by shared content by existing users. So, an iteration has been made on the sharing feature with research results.


For the client-side features, there're 2 more projects that I've participated in but still in confidence. I'll get them uploaded as soon as it's released to the public :)




Thank you for your patience!


Most of the new users are attracted by shared content by existing users. So, an iteration has been made on the sharing feature with research results.

得到(Dedao) APP is available on

AppStore and Android store

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All rights reserved by Xianglian(Necklace) Zhang 2022

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